A Blogpost A Day

Hi there. Okay, so I just want to start by saying that a large portion of my 16 years of life have been spent struggling with myself to start and continue (yes, CONTINUE) a good blog. This of course has led to many a blog floating around the internet crying for its creator to keep adding content to it (seriously, I think I have like 5 failed blogs by now). I swear, it’s not like I consciously stop writing on it, I just slowly start letting doubts get to my head and then my perfectionist nature gets in the way of even starting a potentially good blog post…“and so on” as my good friend Kurt Vonnegut would say (whatever, good friend sounds better than favourite author, okay?) So anyways, excuses aside, I guess I just have never made the time to do what I love to do: write. But as the summer months quickly flit by like pesky swallows escaping the clutches of every student dreading the beginning of a new school year and the rapid oncoming of graduation (only two years. LIterally. TWO YEARS PEOPLE.), I’ve realized how important it is to spend some time picking at my brain and exploring the words that can come from my fingertips (aka writing).

Okay. Here it goes. From this wonderfully humid, delightfully hot Thursday of July 9th, 2015 on, I, Regina Lankenau, am going to be writing one blog post a day (hence the title). I guess it does seem a little cheap to use up my one post for the day on writing about me writing one blog post a day, but alas, I thought it necessary to put it on words and imprint it like a tattoo on the internet’s hairy bicep so there are witnesses and people to apologize to if I don’t keep it up. No, but seriously, I plan to write and post whether what I wrote is really good or really bad, and hopefully this way I can get into a routine of writing every day because as another one of my literary idols said, “You must write every single day of your life… You must lurk in libraries and climb the stacks like ladders to sniff books like perfumes and wear books like hats upon your crazy heads… may you be in love every day for the next 20,000 days. And out of that love, remake a world.”

Of course I should probably definitely heed the advice of the man who served as an "ideas consultant” for the United States Pavilion at the 1964 World’s Fair. Yeah I know, I want to be Ray Bradbury too.

But anyways, here’s to 364 more days of my mind-drivel and poppycock, and here’s hoping I grow and learn from typing what I see, feel, and understand to be, because spending an hour a day listening to your own thoughts and articulating them on a blinking screen is a lot scarier than it sounds, but completely worth it to reach that moment when the words just come to you and you have to work to put the pen down. Promise.

Until tomorrow friends,

Regina L.


Now read this

Experiment Number 207

i. The Emergency Conference of Creators took place on a mundane day not unlike any other. The room was buzzing with a discordance that only comes when too many bodies with too strong opinions are put in not enough space with no breathing... Continue →